Every body want the good food to eat but the taste of tongue not allowed because it want taste food.
Taste food means more oil, Cheese, masala which is increasing fat and health problem when regularly you consume it. The main problem is the acidity which is common and every person who are food lover have once in life suffer from the acidity. Today more than 60% of the population or more suffering from acidity problem in regular basis. Here we give you some tips about the acidity relief at home you not need anything to purchase. These options are used only when you are alone or not able to go to outside or there is nothing available outside.
Here we have 4 home remedies for the instant Acidity relief

Lemon and Baking Soda used acidity relief
This is the beat option to relief acidity instent that take half slice of lemon and take it with the baking soda you will feel like Other product eno. And it works. Generally lemon and baking soda both are rarely available at home But it is the best option for relief in acidity instantly. Lemon and baking soda both mixed and create one kind of eno and home when nothing is available you can use it. Lemon and baking soda are using together means once you cut the Slice of lemon at that time just put the soda on the lemon slice and take it in one short.

Cold Milk used in Acidity relief
Once you are at home you do not have the lemon and baking soda you can use the cold milk and drink it in one shot you will find the acidity relief. Cold milk is used for acidity relief it is a home remedies use by several person as milk easily available at home at any time.
Lemon Soda for Acidity relief
Lemon soda is the best acidity relief home remedies. Generally lemon soda is not available at home But if you have it you can get instant relief from the acidity. If you have not lemon soda at your home you can use lemon and baking soda in place of it. Lemon soda generally not at home for every people but it is the best option for acidity relief.

Lemon juice for Acidity relief
Lemon is easily available at home at any time anywhere you can use it for just juice and and get relief in the acidity because lemon have a Vitamin C which is used to remove the acidity. Lemon juice simple technique you can use it with the sugar or salt.
So here are some techniques aur easy tips you can say for relief in acidity you can use at home. In all over world more than 90% problems are come from stomach issues. And acidity play a major role in it. so please be careful when you got acidity and not able to you eat anything.